Chocolate Milkshake Day
Treat for Dojo Points
The children have all settled so fantastically and are coming into school most days with smiles on their faces. This week each class was challenged to reach 85 Dojo (House) Points. If they succeeded then they would be rewarded with chocolate milk and a cookie. They completed their challenge - making their rainbows and participating in Letters and Sounds and Maths enthusiastically.
They enjoyed their milk and cookies this afternoon.
Just as a reminder, the board in the Early Years playground is updated weekly and this week shows the Dojo winners, Week to Shine children and information about Christmas cards. Please check this as we update it with important dates.
Finally, if you are struggling with Tapestry or have not activated your account please let us know as we are posting observations and photos daily. Sharing these is often a chance to talk about the day if your child has 'forgotten' what they did!