Living Land 2018
Yesterday, Year 3/4 attended the 2018 Living Land exhibition at the Kent Showground.
We had a fantastic day enjoying the many exhibits ranging from live animals to food tasting to wool spinning. In each exhibition space we had only 35 minutes to explore as many of the fascinating things on offer as we could. Starting with "Touch and Taste", we pressed apples, tasted sausages, learnt about bees and powered blenders to make smoothies by cycling. Next, in the animal shed, we were able to pet chickens, guinea pigs and rabbits; to stroke lambs, goats and ponies; to try our hand at milking and to weave with dyed sheep's wool. "The Sheep Show" was a great favourite: who could have guessed that sheep have their own individual style of dancing! But it was more than that, our New Zealand host entertained us while explaining how 10,000 years ago there were only about 5 breeds of sheep that have now been bred to create hundreds of new breeds. We all loved Nobby, the Michael Jackson of the sheep world with his moon walking! Watching the birds of prey was fascinating but a little tense as one of our very own Year 4s was chosen to run with the 'dummy bunny' ; the host, Aaron couldn't believe how fast our lad ran! Finally, we went to "Discovery and Machinery" where we saw recently hatched chicks in an incubator, sat in an RNLI lifeboat, stroked birds of prey and Brodie achieved a new record in the milking challenge.
Parents and guardians, you can be very proud of your children: they were extremely well-behaved, polite and genuinely curious, asking intelligent questions and showing great respect for the animals. Thank you to the parents who volunteered and came on the trip with us; we couldn't have done it without you.