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Dragon's Den - You're Fired!

The Christmas Fair - 19th November 2016
Year 5 and 6 have worked tirelessly over the last three weeks to prepare for their stalls at the Christmas Fair. This has been a ‘live’ enterprise activity and really brought the world of competitive business into the classroom – Which class can raise the most money at the Christmas Fair? There has been some healthy competition between classes.
Each class - Oak, Maple and Acacia have worked in competition to market and produce their goods for their own class stall. They have developed some remarkable skills during this experience. Pupils in each class decided on the goods to sell and the prices to charge through market research. This included designing questionnaires, completing a survey and using tally charts. They priced up the resources needed and made their goods using their maths knowledge on shapes – circles and nets - whilst developing their DT and art skills to produce the goods. They marketed their goods using persuasive writing and developed their IT skills producing posters and leaflets.
During the successful day at the fair, the children developed their skills of speaking and listening by persuading customers to buy their goods. They also demonstrated how great they were dealing with money when working out the cost and change for each customer. It was a really fantastic day and our stalls were busy for the whole three hours. Well done to you all, it was brilliant.
This week the children will add up their takings and produce a spreadsheet to show their revenue and costs, concluding with the amount of profit they have made. We will let you know the exact amounts from each class very soon!