End of Term...

End of Term...
What a last week it has been. Our thanks go to Izabela and Laura for organising our Victorian Day on Thursday. We all loved dressing up and I know the children in Year 5/6 enjoyed their experience of attending the Victorian lessons. Not one child had a name on Thursday – just a number! I know that the highlight of the day for them all was eating gruel, it was delicious, not!
For the last two days, Year 5/6 have spent most of their time at the Church of the Good Shepherd where they performed ‘One Night in Bethlehem’. This was amazing with wonderful singing, strong soloists and some beautiful readings. Parents enjoyed the performance yesterday and the whole school were lucky to be invited along today. We then had our ‘Friday’ assembly in the church after the performance when Guste got Year 6 Star of the Term. You will have to wait until the New Year to find out who got was awarded Year 5’s Star.
However, on a sad note – we say goodbye to Miss Coleman today. She has been a terrific teacher and will be truly missed by both staff and pupils. Good luck Miss Coleman in your new job.
Please do not forget – the Job Centre opens again in January!