An Easter message from our Governors

As the Easter holidays are nearly upon us, the Borough Green Primary School governors say thank you to Mrs Sandberg and her team for leading the school through another packed term.
The governors have seen the children living the school’s vision of ‘learning together with kind hearts and determined minds’ through the experience based curriculum, including trips out of school and visitors coming in. The value of kindness has been clear through initiatives such as the ‘kindness crew’ and as visiting governors we have observed the children behaving well and demonstrating good manners as they show us around (even holding doors open for us!). This kindness has stretched beyond the school and we are proud that our school community has thought of others in need, through generous contributions to Comic Relief and to support Ukraine.
The talent and team work on display in this week’s school play and iRock performances was incredible, a great way to end the term. The children’s determination to perfect their parts, lines, and dance moves was clear and it was a delight to see them confidently performing to an audience. How the staff managed to turn the children of year 3/4 into the word-perfect cast of a piratical spectacular is a mystery to those of us who are not teachers or TAs, but must be a combination of the creativity, patience, dedication and professionalism of the Borough Green Primary School team.
As governors we challenge and encourage the school’s leadership to continuously improve our school. It is important for us to know that the voices of parents and carers are heard, and your views considered and used to inform our strategic decision making. We hope you feel able to pass on compliments, or raise concerns, with school staff whenever you feel you need to, but it has been some time since parents were asked for feedback in a structured way. Next term you will receive a survey from the school asking for your ‘parent view’. Please take some time to consider the questions carefully and to offer constructive feedback and comments – remembering there are some things the school may be able to learn from and change and some that are outside Mrs Sandberg’s control!
We still have vacancies on the governing body. Please do consider whether you might like to join us, and contact either of the co-chairs, or our clerk, Karen Proctor on . We would be pleased to talk to you about what the role involves.
On behalf of all the governors, we wish you a good Easter break,
Catherine O’Neill and George Booth
Co-Chairs of Governors, BGPS.