End Of Year Message from The Governors

Dear Parents and Carers,
A quick note from the Governors as we wrap up the school year. I hope you will join us in thanking Mrs Sandberg and the team for all their hard work over the past term. The governors have been so pleased to see a sunny sports day, adventurous school trips and an Oscar deserving school play alongside the amazing work that goes on in the classrooms and which has delivered strong SATs results. All of this, combined with positive feedback received from parent surveys, go to show what an exciting and inspiring learning environment BGPS offers.
We wish all those staff and children leaving this year, good luck for the future and we look forward to welcoming new staff and children in September.
We also welcome two new members of the governing body - Chloe McMenamin and Julie Harvey - who bring new expertise and experience to the board. Richard Pearce, one of our parent governors, has been elected co-chair of governors, replacing Catherine O'Neill, who is moving abroad with her family this summer.
We are pleased to have a strong governing body at BGPS, but do have room for newcomers. If you are interested in becoming a governor, or know someone who might be, please contact our Clerk, Karen Proctor, on clerk@bgpschool.kent.sch.uk
With best wishes,
Catherine O'Neill (outgoing chair), George Booth and Richard Pearce (co-chairs of governors, BGPS).