Home Reading
Myrtle & Willow Classes - Year 1
The children in Myrtle and Willow class will be visiting the school library every Friday and will choose one book to take home for the week. The Collins eBooks are now up and running and will be set on a Monday.
All children will have a Reading Record book which we ask you to comment in each time you hear them read. House points will be awarded to children who return their reading record book each day with a comment inside.
Bay Class - Year 2
Children's reading assessments at the start of the new academic year. We have used the results of the children’s recent Accelerated Reader tests, their phonics score from the end of year 1 and a fluency test to determine what level of book to start your child on at the start of year 2.
It is school policy that children may only begin Accelerated Reader when they have a reading age of 7 years or above. Each child will have their own ZPD, which is the band they can choose books from. Some children are now taking these books home. They may return them when they have finished reading and discussing them with you. They will then do a quiz online and receive their next book. They will complete an assessment test called a Star Test every half term. This will determine whether they are ready for a higher reading band.
Children who are not yet ready for Accelerated Reader will continue to read the ebooks as they did in year 1. They will be retested for Accelerated Reader in 6 weeks using the Star Test. E books will be set every Monday. Log ins are the same as last year but if you have any issues with logging on please contact Mrs Wibroe and she can sort it out for you.
In addition to the banded reading books children will also bring home a school library book. This will be changed each Monday. The library book is your child’s free choice and it does not matter if they choose something below or beyond their reach. It is a book they can choose for pleasure and it can be read by them or to them. I monitor choices and do encourage a balance here. I also encourage a mix of fiction, non fiction and poetry.
The library in Borough Green is great and the librarians love to see new members. It is free and children can borrow a number of books at a time. Please visit and encourage your child to join, if they are not already members.