Key Contacts for Parents
How to contact us:
For most things, the school office or your child’s class teacher should be your first port of call.
However, if you do need to contact a senior member of staff for any reason, here are the following helpful contacts. You can contact them via the school office on 01732 883459 or email for the attention of the relevant member of staff.
Headteacher - Mrs Jackson
Deputy Headteacher - Position Vacant
Early Years Leader - Mrs Hemsley
Year 1 & 2 (KS1 leader) - Mrs Wibroe
Years 3 - 6 (KS2 leader) - Mrs Quantick
SEN - Mr Wheatley, our Inclusion Manager
Safeguarding - DSL team of Mrs Jackson, Mr Wheatley, Mrs Hemsley & Ms Dechaine
Parental/child well-being support (FLO) - Ms Dechaine
Clerk of Governors - Mrs Proctor
Nursery, Breakfast or After-school club - Miss C Osborn or phone on 01732 780431