Lunchtime and Medicine
Universal free school meals are provided to all Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. The menu for school lunches, which includes a range of healthy options, is displayed on the website and on Lime classroom’s window.
Children may of course bring a packed lunch although parents must notify the school in writing if they are opting out of the free school meal provision. We ask that parents prepare healthy packed lunches avoiding sweets/chocolate and including a still drink.
As it is a long time between breakfast and lunch and lunch and home-time for young children. At Borough Green Primary School, every child in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 is offered a free healthy snack. In Apple and Lime Classes, we have two 15-minute snack scheduled each day for the children to sit altogether, relax and have a drink of milk or water and eat some fresh fruit or vegetables. During this time, an adult will read them a story.
This snack is funded by the government, as part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Each child receives a piece of fresh fruit, such as a clementine, an apple or a banana, or a fresh vegetable, such as a carrot, some sugar snap peas or a tomato. They are also provided with a carton of milk until they turn 5 years old.
Should you wish for your child to continue having milk after their fifth birthday, you will need to pay for this. Should you wish to provide your own snack for your child, please send in a very small portion of either fresh fruit or vegetables, chopped and in a very small, named container.
Please send in a water bottle each day, filled with drinking water only, no juice, fizzy or flavoured water. We encourage children to drink water during snack times and at other points during the day.
Should your child require medication during the school day, parents are welcome to administer this themselves. Alternatively for medication prescribed by a doctor, this can be administered by staff in school providing a form giving timing and dosage has been completed and signed by the parent. These forms are available from the school office. Please inform the class teacher and ensure that the medicine is collected by an adult at the end of the day.