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Borough Green Primary School

Learning Together with Kind Hearts and Determined Minds

Learning Together with Kind Hearts and Determined Minds

In this section...

P.E. and Swimming

Your child will have the opportunity to do P.E. on Friday's, so please send your child into school on a Friday in their PE kit. For outdoor activities, house-colour T-shirts, black shorts, green sweatshirts, green jogging pants and plimsolls are acceptable. It is necessary that all items of clothing are named. 

Swimming occurs in Terms 5 and Term 6. Your child will require a named hat, costume/trunks and towel (all in a named bag). You will receive details regarding the days your child will swim during the Summer term.

As part of the Early Years Curriculum your child will be going on a “welly walk” each week. For this activity they will require a pair of wellies (named) to be kept in school throughout the reception year.